Trainings and documents managed simply

Excel was never meant to track trainings and documents. Try Nabu Pro!

The Nabu Pro Blog

Learn about our products updates, company news, advice on how to better deal with compliance as well as pieces on the aviation industry, our CEO's main field of expertise.

Compliance Audit Software: The Ultimate Guide

Guides This article explores the different features of compliance audit software and how to choose the right one for your organization. What is a compliance audit software? What are the benefits? How to pick the right solution? Discover the answers to these questions and much more!

2023-07-17 Samuel Gagnon

Regulatory Assessment: Are You Vulnerable for Your Next Compliance Audit?

Opinion It’s a scary thing to think about, but your company may be vulnerable to a regulatory audit. And it could come at any time.

2023-07-04 Samuel Gagnon

Good vs. Great in the Software Industry: Toward a New Paradigm in Software-as-a Service

Opinion To get ahead in today’s competitive marketplace, companies need more than good software solutions — they need great ones.

2023-06-27 Samuel Gagnon

What Makes a Compliance Manager Easy to Use?

Opinion If your compliance manager isn’t user-friendly, then it misses the point entirely.

2023-06-22 Samuel Gagnon

Automate Memo Tracking to Ensure Employee Compliance in the Aerospace Industry

Guides Learn how Nabu Pro’s technology helps you keep your memos organized and ensure your employees read them on time. Nabu Pro helps you stay compliant, while saving you time and money.

2023-06-15 Samuel Gagnon

Where to Get Support for your Regulatory Compliance: Audit and Compliance Consultants

Guides Regulatory compliance is a hindrance for businesses. Given that regulatory compliance is an unavoidable task, how do you make compliance easier?

2023-06-15 Samuel Gagnon

Eliminating Unnecessary Applications for Compliance Management

Guides There exist all kinds of solutions to keep track of compliance. But these solutions are often damaging. Why? Because it makes compliance too complex and renders us vulnerable.

2023-05-25 Samuel Gagnon

Streamline Communications in Your Business With Nabu Pro

Features There are so many different ways to communicate with employees, clients, and other businesses, that it can be hard to track them all. With Nabu Pro, you can at least streamline your internal communication to lose less time and avoid communication problems with employees.

2023-04-26 Samuel Gagnon

Simplify Compliance With Automation and Groups [3 Steps]

Guides Follow these three steps to simplify your regulatory compliance and make it easier for your company to pass compliance audits.

2023-04-24 Samuel Gagnon

Simplify Your Learning Management System With Nabu Pro

Features If you have been frustrated with your training management, Nabu Pro is likely the solution you have been looking for.

2023-04-17 Samuel Gagnon